class_name Client extends Card signal time_slots_selected var icon_prefab = preload("res://Scenes/bonus_icon.tscn") var bad_pip_sprite = preload("res://Assets/bad_pip.png") var medium_pip_sprite = preload("res://Assets/medium_pip.png") var good_pip_sprite = preload("res://Assets/good_pip.png") var title = "New Task" var initial_stress = 0 var turns_left = 4 var time_slots = [true, true, false, true] var medium_threshold := 5 var good_threshold := 8 var satisfaction := 1 var watch_on := false @export var pip_sprites: Array[TextureRect] = [] @export var icon_list: Array[Node2D] = [] @export var time_button_sprites: Array[TextureRect] = [] @export var time_hovered_sprites: Array[TextureRect] = [] @export var watch: TextureRect func _process(delta): if sliding: slide(delta) func setup(_title, _initial_stress, _time_slots, _services): if _title != "": title = _title initial_stress = _initial_stress time_slots = _time_slots services = [] if _services != null and _services != []: services.append_array(_services) for x in time_button_sprites.size(): if time_slots[x] == true: time_button_sprites[x].visible = true $front/Slice1.visible = false $front/Slice2.visible = false $front/Slice3.visible = false $front/Slice4.visible = false if time_slots[0] == true: $front/Slice1.visible = true if time_slots[1] == true: $front/Slice2.visible = true if time_slots[2] == true: $front/Slice3.visible = true if time_slots[3] == true: $front/Slice4.visible = true $front/Title.text = str(title) $"front/Initial Stress".text = str(initial_stress) for x in services.size(): if x == 0: continue icon_list[x - 1].set_service(services[x]) icon_list[x - 1].visible = true good_threshold = 10 - (5 - services.size()) medium_threshold = 4 if time_slots[3] == false: good_threshold -= 1 if time_slots[2] == false: good_threshold -= 1 if time_slots[1] == false: good_threshold -= 1 if time_slots[0] == false: medium_threshold += 1 if time_slots[1] == false: medium_threshold += 1 if time_slots[2] == false: medium_threshold += 1 for x in pip_sprites.size() + 2: if x < 2: continue if x >= good_threshold: pip_sprites[x - 2].texture = good_pip_sprite if x < good_threshold: pip_sprites[x - 2].texture = medium_pip_sprite if x < medium_threshold: pip_sprites[x - 2].texture = bad_pip_sprite func show_time_selector(): watch_on = true watch.visible = true func update_counter(): $"front/Turns Left Counter".text = str(turns_left) func _on_turn_pressed(num): turns_left = num update_counter() watch.visible = false watch_on = false time_slots_selected.emit() func turn_front(): $back.visible = false $front.visible = true func turn_back(): $back.visible = true $front.visible = false func set_satisfaction(num): satisfaction = 1 + num $front/ColorRect.position.x = 134 + ((satisfaction - 1) * 20.0) func _on_watch_segment_mouse_entered(extra_arg_0: int) -> void: if not watch_on or not time_slots[extra_arg_0]: return for x in extra_arg_0 + 1: time_hovered_sprites[x].visible = true func _on_watch_segment_mouse_exited(_extra_arg_0: int) -> void: for sprite in time_hovered_sprites: sprite.visible = false func _on_watch_segment_input_event(_viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, _shape_idx: int, extra_arg_0: int) -> void: if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed: _on_turn_pressed(extra_arg_0 + 1)