class_name Level extends GridMap @export var enemy_pool: Array[Enemy] @export var player_spawns: Array[Node3D] @export var enemy_spawns: Array[Node3D] @export var enemy_goals: Array[Node3D] @export var corpses: Node3D @export var a_star_graph_3d: AStarGraph3D @export var cinematic_cam: CinematicCamManager @export var printer: CardPrinter @export var shop: ShopStand @export var obstacle_scenes: Array[PackedScene] func generate_obstacles() -> void: #print(str(multiplayer.get_unique_id()) + " spawning obstacles with seed: " + str(Game.rng.seed)) var obstacle_count: int = Game.randi_in_range(1, 0, 5) for index: int in obstacle_count: var x: int = Game.randi_in_range(10 * index, 1 - a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.x, a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.x - 1) var y: int = Game.randi_in_range(32 * index, 1 - a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.y, a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.y - 1) var chosen_obstacle: int = Game.randi_in_range(4 * index, 0, obstacle_scenes.size() - 1) var obstacle: GridMap = obstacle_scenes[chosen_obstacle].instantiate() as GridMap var orientations: Array[int] = [0, 90, 180, 270] var chosen_orientation: int = Game.randi_in_range(15 * index, 0, orientations.size() - 1) obstacle.position = Vector3(x, 0, y) obstacle.set_rotation_degrees(Vector3(0, chosen_orientation, 0)) add_child(obstacle) for cell: Vector3i in obstacle.get_used_cells(): var cell_coord: Vector3 = obstacle.to_global(obstacle.map_to_local(cell)) remove_world_tile(round(cell_coord.x), round(cell_coord.z)) obstacle.queue_free() func cell_coord_to_astar_point(x: int, y: int) -> int: var center_point_x: int = floori(a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.x / 2.0) * a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.y var center_point_y: int = floori(a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.y / 2.0) return (center_point_x + ((x / 2.0) * a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.y)) + (center_point_y + (y / 2.0)) func remove_world_tile(x: int, y: int) -> void: if get_cell_item(Vector3i(x, 0, y)) != 1 or abs(x) >= a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.x or abs(y) >= a_star_graph_3d.grid_size.y: return set_cell_item(Vector3i(x, 0, y), INVALID_CELL_ITEM) var point: int = cell_coord_to_astar_point(x, y) var north_point: int = cell_coord_to_astar_point(x - 1, y) var south_point: int = cell_coord_to_astar_point(x + 1, y) var east_point: int = cell_coord_to_astar_point(x, y + 1) var west_point: int = cell_coord_to_astar_point(x, y - 1) if x % 2 == 0 and y % 2 == 0: #If the tile is on a point on the pathfinding grid a_star_graph_3d.astar.set_point_disabled(point) if x % 2 == 1 and y % 2 == 0: #If the cell breaks a north-south link a_star_graph_3d.astar.disconnect_points(north_point, south_point) if x % 2 == 0 and y % 2 == 1: #If the cell breaks a east-west link a_star_graph_3d.astar.disconnect_points(east_point, west_point)