class_name AStarGraph3D extends Node3D @export var grid_size: Vector2i = Vector2i(15, 7) @export var point_gap: float = 2.0 var non_build_locations: Array = [] var astar: AStar3D = #TODO generalize this better @export var start: Node3D @export var end: Node3D @export var spawner: EnemySpawner @export var visualized_path: VisualizedPath @export var tower_path: Node var tower_base_scene: PackedScene = load("res://Scenes/TowerBase/tower_base.tscn") var tower_frame_scene: PackedScene = load("res://Scenes/tower_frame.tscn") var tower_bases: Array = [] var tower_base_ids: Dictionary = {} var tower_frames: Array = [] var wall_id: int = 0 func toggle_point(point_id: int, caller_id: int) -> void: networked_toggle_point.rpc(point_id, caller_id) func remove_wall(wall: TowerBase) -> void: networked_remove_wall.rpc(wall.point_id) toggle_point(wall.point_id, multiplayer.get_unique_id()) func point_is_build_location(point_id: int) -> bool: return !non_build_locations.has(point_id) func test_path_if_point_toggled(point_id: int) -> bool: if astar.is_point_disabled(point_id): astar.set_point_disabled(point_id, false) else: astar.set_point_disabled(point_id, true) var result: bool = find_path() if astar.is_point_disabled(point_id): astar.set_point_disabled(point_id, false) else: astar.set_point_disabled(point_id, true) return result @rpc("reliable", "any_peer", "call_local") func networked_toggle_point(point_id: int, caller_id: int) -> void: if astar.is_point_disabled(point_id): astar.set_point_disabled(point_id, false) else: astar.set_point_disabled(point_id, true) find_path() enable_non_path_tower_frames() if is_multiplayer_authority() and astar.is_point_disabled(point_id): networked_spawn_wall.rpc(astar.get_point_position(point_id), wall_id, caller_id) wall_id += 1 func get_north_point(point_id: int) -> int: var x: int = floori(float(point_id) / float(grid_size.y)) var y: int = point_id % grid_size.y if x - 1 >= 0: #if the north point id could possibly exist as a neighbor return (x - 1) * grid_size.y + y return -1 func get_south_point(point_id: int) -> int: var x: int = floori(float(point_id) / float(grid_size.y)) var y: int = point_id % grid_size.y if x + 1 <= grid_size.x - 1: #if the south point id could possibly exist as a neighbor return (x + 1) * grid_size.y + y return -1 func get_west_point(point_id: int) -> int: var x: int = floori(float(point_id) / float(grid_size.y)) var y: int = point_id % grid_size.y if y + 1 <= grid_size.y - 1: #if the east point id could possibly exist as a neighbor return x * grid_size.y + y + 1 return -1 func get_east_point(point_id: int) -> int: var x: int = floori(float(point_id) / float(grid_size.y)) var y: int = point_id % grid_size.y if y - 1 >= 0: #if the west point id could possibly exist as a neighbor return x * grid_size.y + y - 1 return -1 func count_valid_neighbours(point_id: int) -> int: if !point_id: return 0 var valid_neighbours: int = 0 var north_point: int = get_north_point(point_id) var south_point: int = get_south_point(point_id) var east_point: int = get_east_point(point_id) var west_point: int = get_west_point(point_id) if north_point and !astar.is_point_disabled(north_point): valid_neighbours += 1 else: #add the spawn point which is always valid valid_neighbours += 1 if south_point and !astar.is_point_disabled(south_point): valid_neighbours += 1 else: #add the goal point which is always valid valid_neighbours += 1 if east_point and !astar.is_point_disabled(east_point): valid_neighbours += 1 if west_point and !astar.is_point_disabled(west_point): valid_neighbours += 1 return valid_neighbours func disable_all_tower_frames() -> void: for frame: Node3D in tower_frames: frame.set_visible(false) func enable_non_path_tower_frames() -> void: for frame: Node3D in tower_frames: if !astar.is_point_disabled(tower_frames.find(frame)): frame.set_visible(true) disable_path_tower_frames() func disable_path_tower_frames() -> void: for id: int in astar.get_id_path(astar.get_point_count() - 2, astar.get_point_count() - 1): if id < (grid_size.x * grid_size.y) and !test_path_if_point_toggled(id): tower_frames[id].set_visible(false) @rpc("reliable", "call_local") func networked_spawn_wall(pos: Vector3, name_id: int, caller_id: int) -> void: var base: TowerBase = tower_base_scene.instantiate() as TowerBase base.position = pos = "Wall" + str(name_id) base.owner_id = caller_id var point_id: int = astar.get_closest_point(pos, true) base.point_id = point_id tower_base_ids[point_id] = base tower_bases.append(base) tower_path.add_child(base) var north_point: int = get_north_point(point_id) var south_point: int = get_south_point(point_id) var east_point: int = get_east_point(point_id) var west_point: int = get_west_point(point_id) if north_point >= 0 and tower_base_ids.has(north_point) and astar.is_point_disabled(north_point): base.set_north_wall(true) tower_base_ids[north_point].set_south_wall(true) if south_point >= 0 and tower_base_ids.has(south_point) and astar.is_point_disabled(south_point): base.set_south_wall(true) tower_base_ids[south_point].set_north_wall(true) if east_point >= 0 and tower_base_ids.has(east_point) and astar.is_point_disabled(east_point): base.set_east_wall(true) tower_base_ids[east_point].set_west_wall(true) if west_point >= 0 and tower_base_ids.has(west_point) and astar.is_point_disabled(west_point): base.set_west_wall(true) tower_base_ids[west_point].set_east_wall(true) @rpc("reliable", "call_local", "any_peer") func networked_remove_wall(new_wall_id: int) -> void: var wall: TowerBase = tower_base_ids[new_wall_id] Game.connected_players_nodes[wall.owner_id].currency += Data.wall_cost Game.connected_players_nodes[wall.owner_id].unready_self() tower_bases.erase(wall) tower_base_ids.erase(new_wall_id) wall.queue_free() var north_point: int = get_north_point(new_wall_id) var south_point: int = get_south_point(new_wall_id) var east_point: int = get_east_point(new_wall_id) var west_point: int = get_west_point(new_wall_id) if north_point >= 0 and tower_base_ids.has(north_point) and astar.is_point_disabled(north_point): tower_base_ids[north_point].set_south_wall(false) if south_point >= 0 and tower_base_ids.has(south_point) and astar.is_point_disabled(south_point): tower_base_ids[south_point].set_north_wall(false) if east_point >= 0 and tower_base_ids.has(east_point) and astar.is_point_disabled(east_point): tower_base_ids[east_point].set_west_wall(false) if west_point >= 0 and tower_base_ids.has(west_point) and astar.is_point_disabled(west_point): tower_base_ids[west_point].set_east_wall(false) func build_random_maze(block_limit: int) -> void: var untested_point_ids: Array = [] for index: int in (grid_size.x * grid_size.y): untested_point_ids.append(index) if block_limit <= 0 or block_limit > untested_point_ids.size(): block_limit = untested_point_ids.size() for index: int in block_limit: var random_point: int = untested_point_ids.pick_random() untested_point_ids.erase(random_point) if test_path_if_point_toggled(random_point): networked_toggle_point.rpc(random_point, multiplayer.get_unique_id()) func place_random_towers(tower_limit: int) -> void: var untowered_bases: Array = tower_bases.duplicate() if tower_limit <= 0 or tower_limit > untowered_bases.size(): tower_limit = untowered_bases.size() for index: int in tower_limit: var random_base: TowerBase = untowered_bases.pick_random() as TowerBase untowered_bases.erase(random_base) random_base.add_card(, multiplayer.get_unique_id()) func find_path() -> bool: var path: PackedVector3Array = astar.get_point_path(astar.get_point_count() - 2, astar.get_point_count() - 1) if !path.is_empty(): var curve: Curve3D = for point: Vector3 in path: curve.add_point(point) spawner.path.curve = curve spawner.path.spawn_visualizer_points() return true return false func make_grid() -> void: for x: int in grid_size.x: for y: int in grid_size.y: var point_position: Vector3 = Vector3((x - floori(grid_size.x / 2.0)) * point_gap, 0.5, (y - floori(grid_size.y / 2.0)) * point_gap) astar.add_point(int(x * grid_size.y + y), point_position) var frame: Node3D = tower_frame_scene.instantiate() frame.position = point_position tower_frames.append(frame) add_child(frame) for x: int in grid_size.x: for y: int in grid_size.y: var point_id: int = grid_size.y * x + y if x > 0: var north_point_id: int = grid_size.y * (x - 1) + y astar.connect_points(point_id, north_point_id, false) if x < grid_size.x - 1: var south_point_id: int = grid_size.y * (x + 1) + y astar.connect_points(point_id, south_point_id, false) if y > 0: var east_point_id: int = grid_size.y * x + (y - 1) astar.connect_points(point_id, east_point_id, false) if y < grid_size.y - 1: var west_point_id: int = grid_size.y * x + (y + 1) astar.connect_points(point_id, west_point_id, false) non_build_locations.append(astar.get_point_count()) astar.add_point(astar.get_point_count(), start.global_position) for x: int in grid_size.y: astar.connect_points(int(astar.get_point_count() - 1), x) non_build_locations.append(astar.get_point_count()) astar.add_point(astar.get_point_count(), end.global_position) for x: int in grid_size.y: astar.connect_points(astar.get_point_count() - 1, int(grid_size.y * (grid_size.x - 1) + x))