extends Node3D class_name StatusEffector @export var hbox : HBoxContainer @export var enemy : EnemyController var icon_scene = preload("res://Scenes/status_icon.tscn") var immune : Array[StatusEffect] = [] var effects = {} var icons = {} func _process(delta: float) -> void: for effect in effects: if effects[effect] == 0: continue effect.time_since_proc += delta effect.time_existed += delta if effect.stats.duration > 0.0 and effect.time_existed >= effect.stats.duration: effect.time_existed -= effect.stats.duration effects[effect] -= 1 effect.on_removed(enemy, effects) if effects[effect] == 0: icons[effect].set_visible(false) if effect.time_since_proc >= effect.stats.proc_cd: effect.proc(enemy, effects[effect], effects) effect.time_since_proc -= effect.stats.proc_cd func force_proc(effect_to_proc : StatusEffect): for effect in effects: if effect.stats == effect_to_proc.stats: effect.proc(enemy, effects[effect], effects) func add_effect(new_effect : StatusEffect): for effect in immune: if effect.stats == new_effect.stats: return var existing_effect for effect in effects: if effect.stats == new_effect.stats: existing_effect = effect if !existing_effect: existing_effect = new_effect effects[new_effect] = 0 var icon = icon_scene.instantiate() icon.texture = new_effect.stats.icon icon.set_visible(false) icons[new_effect] = icon hbox.add_child(icon) if existing_effect.stats.max_stacks == 0 or effects[existing_effect] < existing_effect.stats.max_stacks: existing_effect.on_attached(enemy, effects) icons[existing_effect].set_visible(true) effects[existing_effect] += 1 existing_effect.time_existed = 0.0 if existing_effect.stats.max_stacks != 0 and effects[existing_effect] > existing_effect.stats.max_stacks: effects[existing_effect] = existing_effect.stats.max_stacks